I found the countryside of Kent to be simply breathtaking; the mountains and slopes of green seemed to go on forever, and sometimes there were bits of purple among all the green due to the lavender that grows there.
Kent's beautiful lavender fields Being there in Kent, I was able to see why artists such as William Blake and Samuel Palmer found such inspiration in nature. Feeling like you're truly one with nature leaves you feeling calm and at peace; a perfect medium for inspiration! I also think that in nature, there's sometimes more to "marvel" at than in the city. I know that the city is wonderful too, but to a Christian in London's earlier years seeing something that you believe was made completely by a divine being is just miraculous. And feeling like you're one with nature also leaves you with the feeling that you're closer to God, yet another medium for inspiration! Something that I "marveled" at during out trip to Kent was all the flowers. I know that's such a cliche response for a girl but I just loved all the colors! I especially loved the red poppies, because I really liked how bright and vibrant the colors were. I think that all in all, I was very inspired by nature this weekend! |
Poppies in Kent! |